
This is an idea revolving mostly around the name: we sell the physical equipment, software, and personalities that turn off the shelf robots into sexbots.

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Green Compute

This is the solar powered shipping container of GPUs for bit coin mining but for a different purpose: serving compute.

The core proposition is the same, when power plants are generating too much energy the numbers may come out that it’s more profitable to run compute resources than put power onto the grid. Each container is added to the “green compute” network & pricing is premium because it’s 100% green energy. Sure we want them to store the electricity in batteries, but if it’s ultimately to be used on “training AI” then why not just train when the sun shines?

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Software Platform For TradieBot

So humanoid robots are coming. Fast. One day there will be one in ever home. What I want to do is to start building the software platform for tradies and other visitors (medical staff?) to remote into these robots and operate them as if they were on site. Imagine you needed someone to check out your dishwasher, and they just remoted into your homebot and looked at it, ran some tests, fiddled, diagnosed and ordered some parts to be delivered to your door, which on arrival, they remote into the bot and install. The remotely operated robot completely upends the typical tradie booking system where they have to travel to a site and do work, and customers have to wait for said tradie to show up to let them in.

What I am saying is that we become the software platform that provides the telepresence, control, security, booking system etc.

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Cycle Drive

For people who have to commute, they don’t have time to exercise. Similar to the “gym car” idea from a while back (gee, wouldn’t that be crazily dangerous!) the cycle drive is an adaptation for the pedals where you are essentially riding a recumbent bicycle while you’re driving the car.

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A societal change in the way we transport ourselves to and from places. Rather than a huge 2 ton monster, this is the size of a motorbike, fits one person lying down, and has no windows. It’s essentially a super up electric skateboard with incredibly low drag and safety profile – it immediately fills with foam on impact and cracks like an egg so the person oozes out. There is two forms: One you drive like you would drive mario kart (i.e. a screen and a controller), and one that drives itself. The idea is simple: Less materials, not even windows. It’s essentially a shell with a bunch of sockets for sensors, a layer of electronics, and then an inner clear shell that the user is in. Smaller battery because it’s 1/4 of the weight of an electric car.

It’s smaller parking. Can fit in gaps in the traffic, and essentially “goes like a bullet”.

Revolutionises personal individual transport.

Posted in Big Issues Discussion, Energy, Robotics | Leave a comment


This is an app on your phone that records all your farts and gives you a humorous “your week in rear-view” of the best farts you’ve done this week. You can connect to your friends and share, upvote etc.

Also allows you to track your gassiness and start making inroads if you want to reduce stinkiness.

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Re-breather (Frankenstein Edition)

Thinking about breathing under water, it turns out that fish pull oxygen from the water to and put it into their swim bladder. So you could, in theory, tap into the fish biology to pull oxygen directly from the water.

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Re-breather (Electrolysis)

Thinking on why we can’t breath under water, electrolysis produces hydrogen and oxygen. Surely with enough power we could simply live under water and pull oxygen from the water using electrolysis, and then sell green hydrogen (assuming we have a power source down there that is renewable).

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Forever Shoes

The idea is that you sell a little shoe box sized factory that can _make_ shoes. It’s got the articulated arms and eyes to be able to take apart one of the forever shoes, and put it backtogether either fixed, a different size (for growing kids) or whatever. The idea is that instead of buying lots of different shoes over your lifetime, you can buy this one thing and recycle your shoes by putting it in and saying “repair these” or “grow one size” or “change colour scheme”.

Posted in AI, Clothing, Robotics | Leave a comment

Robotic Beauty Patch

As an extension to the previous post, I wonder what it would take to remove a mole. Yes you can cut it out. But if you had something that could inject the right compound at the right time of day each day, could you actually change the skin cells? Could we make a robotic patch? It finds its way to that spot, puts its claws in, and slowly does the necessary thing until the skin has healed.

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