Category Archives: VR

Software Platform For TradieBot

So humanoid robots are coming. Fast. One day there will be one in ever home. What I want to do is to start building the software platform for tradies and other visitors (medical staff?) to remote into these robots and … Continue reading

Posted in AI, Robotics, VR | Leave a comment


This is an idea that I had a while ago but I think it could be rebranded. Here’s the original idea: Now picture it’s a VR app called “Moments” and it’s where we capture a bunch of amazing scenes like … Continue reading

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Practice Makes…

The anxiety of giving a presentation is goddamn crippling. Making a 30s pitch infront of 100 people is scary as. How can you get over it? VR Practice. In this app, there’s a series of rooms you have to stand … Continue reading

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My Kindergarten Teacher VR

This is a VR simulation of you as a five year old. You look up and a lovely warm motherly character says “Ooh poor thing, let’s get a bandaid on that. Here, have a hug,” and is generally just a … Continue reading

Posted in Games, Mental Health, VR | Leave a comment

Between Worlds

A VR game where you have a portal gun that opens a portal door and a portal window into another world. You have to use the window and door to solve puzzles across worlds. e.g. a beam of reflected sunlight … Continue reading

Posted in Software, VR | Leave a comment


A VR game where everyone is a ghost and you hang out in someone’s “Haunt” which is like an apartment. People can buy things for their Haunt (NFTs) and the disconnect/movement thing is solved because people are ghosts, so it’s … Continue reading

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VR Meditation Platform

After trying the new Occulus device I was impressed by just how immersive it was. Then whilst doing a guided meditation on InsightTimer I was finding it difficult to focus. Then it hit me: We should use a game dev … Continue reading

Posted in Big Issues Discussion, Games, Software, Technology, VR | Leave a comment


Imagine a VR experience where you walk out on stage to adoring fans. A full 3d video of someone big name lead singer walking out and hearing those cheers, for YOU. They’re cheering for you! LiveInIt is a set of … Continue reading

Posted in Mental Health, VR | Leave a comment

The Reveal

A site dedicated to 30 second clips where some amazing sight is revealed. The idea is that you’ll post up a video of not just famous places but beautiful scene’s in your neighbourhood. Eventually I would want 3d so that … Continue reading

Posted in Software, Technology, VR | 1 Comment


VR software that helps inmates that are coming towards the end of their term in prison experience every day life via VR. Paying with credit cards, ordering ubers, etc. This helps them to enter society, and not commit crimes to … Continue reading

Posted in Mental Health, Software, Technology, VR | Leave a comment