Category Archives: Medical

Cycle Drive

For people who have to commute, they don’t have time to exercise. Similar to the “gym car” idea from a while back (gee, wouldn’t that be crazily dangerous!) the cycle drive is an adaptation for the pedals where you are … Continue reading

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Robotic Beauty Patch

As an extension to the previous post, I wonder what it would take to remove a mole. Yes you can cut it out. But if you had something that could inject the right compound at the right time of day … Continue reading

Posted in Medical, Robotics | Leave a comment

Robo Mole Check Scritcher

The idea here is that you could have a little robot crawling around your skin getting high precision photos of your moles. Or doing anything else really. But the problem is that it would give people “the ick”. So instead, … Continue reading

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Plant Diversity Pill

I read an interesting blog about someone who reduced his glycan age by eating a more diverse range of fruits and vegetables. His theory is that your body sees more stuff and it depresses the immune system somewhat so that … Continue reading

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I hate the medical system. It’s transactional. For $70 someone will listen and try and diagnose your problem in 15 minutes. I have never been to a doctor and come away with a response beyond “let’s get some basic blood … Continue reading

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Simon’s Spit

Based on this thing I read about people being able to better digest carbohydrates because they have special enzymes in their spit that pre-digest it, I introduce Simons Spit. I believe I have such an enzyme because I’ve never had … Continue reading

Posted in Funny, Medical, Whacko | Leave a comment

Whole Health Centers

I believe that the medical profession is losing trust at an alarming rate. I don’t like that people are turning to stupid things like homeopathy, but by the same token a natropath will sit down with you for an hour … Continue reading

Posted in Medical, Mental Health | Leave a comment

Coronavirus alert app

Essentially this is an app that logs geospatial + timestamp all the time. Then on the app you can report that you’ve got a confirmed case, and it’ll flag all your locations for the last week, and correlate that with … Continue reading

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Jumpy Leggings

I suffer from Restless Leg Syndrome and recently it’s gotten bad enough that I’m starting to look into remedys. So far the only that works is getting out of bed and doing chair pose against a wall or squats. Only … Continue reading

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